INURA support Factory Collective ex GKN and the female and male workers ex GKN
INURA - Friday, June 21, 2024INURA supports the three year struggle of the Unitary trade union representation, the Factory Collective ex GKN and the female and male workers ex GKN
in English as pdf INURA_exGKN(1) or below
in Italian in an article by Marvi Maggio, trade union representative, in the magazine PER UN’ALTRA CITTÀ
Malaga, June 9, 2024
To whom it may concern
The International Network for Urban Research and Action is a
Network of people involved in Action and Research in localities
and cities started in 1991 and formed by researchers and
activists from many different countries, between which many
European ones, Cuba, Australia, Canada, USA, Mexico, Chile,
Hong Kong, China, Japan.
During the INURA Conference in Malaga held on the 3rd – 9
June 2024 the impressive 3 year struggle of the Unitary trade
union representation, the Factory Collective ex GKN and the
female and male workers ex GKN, was presented to us by
Marvi Maggio, a trade union representative. We fully support
the requests and claims of the Collective to the Italian state
and the regional government to make a public intervention for
a reconversion of the factory towards a renewable energy and
light mobility hub in Campi Bisenzio under the control of the
workers. In this way, the place of work would be preserved
through reconversion.
We admire the practice of the collective that illuminates the
present: solidarity, interconnected struggles, convergence
practice, and the urgent transformation of production from
polluting ones towards ecologic production.
On the basis of our knowledge we support the collective and
encourage all the involved institutions, political and technical to
realize their claims for public intervention for the reconversion
of the factory.