NGI0 Commons Fund update and 6th call for funding

ISOC Switzerland Chapter - Monday, February 10, 2025

The second plenary meeting of the NGI0 Commons Fund consortium took place in Brussels on January 30th 2025, in the context of the FOSDEM conference, where the presence of NGI0 at the FOSDEM was impressive,

During the plenary meeting, ISOC-CH developed the plan for the development of the so-called “tech dossiers”, which will focus on three distinct thematic areas: video conferencing, AI and privacy, and Cloud solutions, targeting three distinct target audiences respectively: like-minded non-experts, school teachers, and policy makers.

The description of the whole implementation plan for the tech dossiers and an interesting job opening will be announced soon.

For now, the most important news is that the project selection is running smoothly and the sixth call of NGI Zero Commons Fund opened up on February 1st 2025, with a deadline of April 1st 2025 12:00 CEST (noon).

To get some inspiration, here is the list of the first 50 projects funded under the NGI0 Commons fund:

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