The Beyond the Net Grant ended, but the 7at7 series continues!
ISOC Switzerland Chapter - Friday, February 4, 2022The Beyond the Net Grant supporting this event series has now successfully ended. You can read here a short review of the events in 2021 (available as a printed booklet at L200).
But the 7at7 series continues, since everything is in place already and additional funding from ISOC will be pursued soon! You can see what is coming, and recordings of most past events and news at https://7at7.digital/
Especially this coming Monday, February 7, there will be a discussion on sustainability and the Internet, one of the key topics that we plan to revisit often.
The first discussion was in Nov7at7 on the “short guide to digital sustainability & sustainable digitalization” published by the WOZ. >> more info
Now a new book has been published by Neustart Schweiz titled “Auf den Boden kommen” (available at L200), which contains a text by myself on the “territorial Internet”, which you can read in English here
So, on Monday February 7at7 we will have a discussion on the ideas presented in this text with special guests that have been engaged in the deployment of Lennon, the L200 server.
The deployment of Lennon inside the L200 space is an example of the territorial Internet and hosts today right from the L200 keller, the site of the openfutures festival, and of course the 7at7.digital itself

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