Tag - C4R

R-Urban for Ukraine Green Recovery Conference
Nous sommes ravis de découvrir que le Nouveau Bauhaus Européen et la Commission européenne ont choisi de présenter R-Urban comme une stratégie exemplaire dont s’inspirer pour la reconstruction durable et inclusive des villes ukrainiennes: « Lauréat des Prix New European Bauhaus en 2022, R-Urban vise à favoriser la collaboration des citoyens, leur sens de solidarité, …
December 14, 2023 / AAA
Imagining a more organic Internet
Building on the analogy between information and food, between agriculture and digital platforms, the question arises: what means for the Internet to be more organic? That is, more healthy, more grounded, and more sovereign? Clearly, global digital platforms like Facebook, and Google represent the extreme of highly industrialized solutions that manage information at scale optimized... The post Imagining a more organic Internet appeared first on ISOC Switzerland Chapter.
October 16, 2022 / ISOC Switzerland Chapter