Davide Chiarelli wins the 2023 Torricelli Prize – Gruppo Italiano Idraulica

DICA – Website - Thursday, November 2, 2023

Congratulations to Davide Danilo Chiarelli, DICA researcher, for winning the 2023 Torricelli prize awarded by the GII (Italian Hydraulics Group).

The winners of the award presented their scientific activity in Venice on Thursday 12 October, during the “Nuove Frontiere della Scienza e dell’Ingegneria delle Acque” event.

The “ITALIAN HYDRAULICS GROUP” is an Association based at the Department of Maritime Hydraulic and Geotechnical Engineering of the University of Padua. The Group’s aim is to promote and coordinate, on a non-profit basis, the development of basic and applied research, the exchange of scientific and educational experiences in hydraulic disciplines, the activation of research and advanced training initiatives, the dissemination of the results of its activities.