On November 8, at the United Nations, the team composed of Maria Cristina Rulli
(Politecnico di Milano, Italy) and Paolo D’Odorico (University of California,
Berkeley, USA) was awarded the prestigious Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz
International Prize for Water (PSIPW).
The award was granted with the following motivation: “They spearheaded novel
analyzes of the water-energy-food nexus, describing how numerous, complex
factors interact, providing managers and policymakers better ways to be stewards
of freshwater in a changing, globalized world.”
This award celebrates the researchers’ innovative contribution to the analysis
of the water-energy-food nexus, providing valuable tools for sustainable water
resource management in a transforming world.
L'articolo Maria Cristina Rulli receives the ‘Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz
International Prize for Water’ proviene da DICA - Polimi.